First of all "raaaaa" blogger is really picky about when it lets me log in!
Right, it's only Wednesday, and what a week so far! I'm knackered for one, I should really be in bed, but it is only 8:45, and that is quite frankly too early.
This week it is my duty to initially answer (nearly...) all the calls that come into the office. In general, I am actually highly competant at this, however... I had a call on Monday and managed to burst into tears. The man
was a bit gruff (he did have something serious to say) and I was very hormonal... This has led to many subsequent "are you all right today?" "have you got a tissue?" "how are the hormones today?" questions. Marvelous! They think I'm very emotionally delicate.
I think Tuesday passed without too much bother.
Today however, I popped to the loo, then came over all funny, went back into the office and thought I was going to faint! Low iron levels I think.
Weak weak little thing...
Right, must call my imaginary husband Corinthian,