Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sore Fingers

Hello again.

This evening I have successfully restrung and retuned my guitar. The first string was tricky - as I had no idea what I was doing, the subsequent 5 however, caused far fewer problems.

The tips of my fingers hurt from trying to play "Blowin' in the Wind," which incidentally sounds much better with new shiny (literally, the old ones were coated in rust) strings.

I feel you might appreciate a blast from the past with this fab "Rocking Mules" pic, a "band" which produced such hits as "Stonking" and "I'm sitting on the radiator." One can tell from the picture quite how long I've had my guitar - I think I got it the year of my GCSEs, back when I still had a fringe!

Is there any hope for my guitar skills? I'm not sure, although one thing is for certain - I'm more likely to play it if it's here in my room than if it's back in beautiful Hathern!

I'll keep you informed.

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