Sunday, January 14, 2007


Well, here we are, fully into January. I'm feeling good :)

I have three days left of temping, four days off and then I start a permanent job! Still way at the bottom on the ladder, but at least I won't be the ultimate scum of student/temp (no offence meant to anyone, it's just the way I've felt...) I will also be working in the centre of Birmingham, which will be really nice after the slightly scumming (seems to be a theme today...) Newtown/Aston where I have been working - there are some interesting types wandering about!

It's a new year and I am feeling it. Some cupboards have finally been cleared out, sorted and burnt (this is a metaphor), it's taken a while, blimey it has, but fresh start.

I keep watching television programmes about really fat people etc and each time it makes me think "Ooo, I never want to get fat, hmm, should perhaps do some more exercise...). I have actually been doing some, but not through great mental effort, just through luck... (there seem to be faaaaar too many elipses and brackets in this post, very sorry) (and I'm not sure of the correct puntuation! Should I put a full stop after the bracket? Answers on a postcard).

We had a good frisbee training session yesterday, it was really fun, it has to be said that frisbee is a waaaaaay better sport that netball. Of course, I did already know this, but just the giggles I had yesterday from fun confirmed this!

Right, shortish and sweetish, that'll do pig,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! Nous aussi on a des documentaires sur l'obésité en France, et moi aussi je me mets à faire des abdos après ce genre d'émission...

Mais pendant 10 minutes seulement, et après ma vie sans sport reprend son cours...

Lizzy, avec le ultimate (bien mieux que le netball!) et tes soupes au parsnip & swede, tu ne crains rien du tout...

Still miss you very much